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Taking blood pressue

Taking blood pressue

Newborn Baby

Newborn Baby

Hand on Bump

Hand on Bump

Doctor Examining Pregnant Woman

Doctor Examining Pregnant Woman

Doctor Using Digital Tablet

Doctor Using Digital Tablet

Baby with Stethoscope

Baby with Stethoscope

Hospital Corridor

Hospital Corridor

Blood pressure reader

Blood pressure reader

Pediatrician Examining Infant

Pediatrician Examining Infant

In Labour

In Labour



Your choice

Pipetting Samples and Test Tube

Pipetting Samples and Test Tube

Little Boy Playing Doctor

Little Boy Playing Doctor






The full range of Obstetric services are provided- Including complex and high risk pregnancies.
Dr Bell is able to manage routine as well as more complex problems during pregnancy (eg. diabetes, abnormal thyroid function), provide support for normal pregnancies, manage difficult deliveries (including placenta praevia, prematurity, hypertension, twins, multiple previous caesarean sections and breech presentation).
He is also able to manage higher risk pregnancies through Westmead Hospital (for example, your baby known to have a severe congenital abnormality requiring immediate NICU transfer, or mother has a significant medical or surgical condition requiring high level support services).
The majority of pregnancies are managed at either Norwest Private Hospital or Westmead Private Hospital.
Dr Bell's philosophy is that the aim is to achieve a normal delivery with a healthy mum and baby.

However, he will agree (after discussion) to an elective caesarean section if that is what you wish. I believe that it is your right to decide, after informed discussion, unless what you have in mind is dangerous for yourself or your baby. It is a shared decision making process :-)

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