Hospitals & Affiliations
Norwest private hospital is a large private hospital in the hills district offerring all services including ICU.
It has a large busy maternity unit staffed by experienced delivery suite midwives. It also has a strong postnatal support team, including breast feeding support.
There is a level II nursery if babies require phototherapy, require observation, are unwell, are premature, or are awaiting transfer to a NICU.
Westmead private hospital is a large private hospital in the hills district offerring all services including ICU.
It has a large busy maternity unit staffed by experienced delivery suite midwives.
There is a level II nursery if babies require phototherapy, require observation, are unwell, are premature, or are awaiting transfer to a NICU.
You should note that proximity to New Childrens hospital does not make any difference if a baby needs intensive care and does not give an advantage over Norwest Private.
Westmead Hospital is a large tertiary level 3 hospital. It has a neonatal intensive care unit.
It is a very busy hospital, and by necessity is not able to provide prolonged in hospital breast feeding and mothercrafting support.
If you are pregnant, it is best suited if you dont have private health insurance or the pregnany is more complex and Dr Bell advises that you book your delivery there.
With more than 28 years of fertility experience, Genea gives you the best possible chance of having a baby - through their pioneering IVF scientific programs along with personal, professional care and support.